
Whether it was organizing and decorating my room with my Mom, going to antique stores with my Dad, or even (on a very limited budget) changing out light fixtures, sewing my own valences, and painting the walls in my college apartment, I always seem to have been finding ways to organize and beautify the spaces that I have lived. This is because not only do I appreciate a lovely home, but I have found that the space where I spend my time affects me deeply and personally. I truly believe what Sarah Susanka said in “The Not So Big House,” which is that

your house (apartment, room, etc.) should feed your spirit

And I believe that when your spirit is fed, you can thrive.

It’s a mindful approach to design. It’s figuring out what is important to you and reflecting that beautifully in the space you live.

Over the past few years, I have been working with my husband, Nathan, to make our house into the place that we love to be. From ripping out closets and flooring to make a home office to building custom furniture pieces that fit our space just right, it has been a joy creating something beautiful and uniquely ours. Whenever I see the things that we designed and built together, I can’t help but smile.

While your end product will look different than ours, I will help you in the process of discovery and self-reflection to create something that you will love. So that you, too, can walk into your space and feel at home.
